Churchwide Opportunities
We get to share the journey of life and faith together in a variety of ways. Some of the opportunities for worship, fellowship, and spiritual formation together:
- Sunday School classes for all ages
- Wednesday Night Studies
- Churchwide Fellowship Meals
- Churchwide Hayride & Other Socials
Children & Youth
- Sunday School Classes (Preschool-12th Grade)
- Children & Youth Special Activities- Fun Nights, Lock-Ins, Service Projects
- Children Worship & Wonder (during worship- for children ages 3-3rd grade)
- Summer Mission Monday Service Projects
- Summer Camp Opportunities
Mission & Outreach
- Providing monthly meals at The Gathering Place
- Annual Pancake Dinner benefitting Habitat for Humanity
- Regular collections and donations for the AMEN House and Eastern Elementary Backpack Program
- Share the Joy Christmas Outreach
- Children/Youth Mission Mondays Projects (summer)
- Help with worship at New Life in Christ Christian Church (faith community at The Diersen House halfway house)
- Christmas Eve Care Packages
- Annual participation in the CROP Walk benefiting God’s Pantry Food Bank